In the Type column, click the "Drivers" option.In the Product column, click the "UMC202HD" option.In the Main Categories column, click the "USB Audio Interfaces" option.

Click the following options from left to right (pictured below with four arrows pointing down): You will now see the Downloads page on the Behringer website. To get started, open your browser, and go to Click the Downloads link near the top of the page (pictured below with arrow). Following are instructions on how to: (1) download the latest/greatest version of the software driver for your UMC202HD, and yes it's important that you use the latest version of the driver software and (2) install the software driver on your Windows computer. This software driver controls the operation of the audio interface hardware as it interacts with your Windows computer. To do this, you need to install a piece of software called a "driver" that was developed by Behringer. Before setting up your Behringer audio interface to work with the JamKazam app, you must first set it up to work properly with/on your Windows computer.